• You may build and host static web pages straight from your repository using GitHub Pages, a platform-integrated functionality. 
  • GitHub Pages provides an effortless way to do so, whether you want to advertise a project, compile a group of projects, or publish documents. 
  • We'll walk you through the process of making pages on GitHub in this article.

Make a Scholarly Website with Github Pages | Dublin City University


Ensure that you're registered with a GitHub account along with Git is installed on a local machine before starting the instructions listed below.

Establish a New Repository:

  • To begin, create a fresh repository on GitHub. 
  • As soon as you've given your repository a memorable name, select the "New" icon. 
  • If you require anyone else to be able to view your pages, ensure that the repository is open.

Installing Git Locally:

  • To start the Git repository, start your terminal or command- prompt window and go to the temporary directory you want to use. 
  • Run these specific commands:

The GitHub repository Must Be Of URL `<repository_url>`

Construct the Page Content:

  • Generate a page's information in the current repository's main location. 
  • Typically, this consists of the HTML file "index.html" plus any CSS, JavaScript, or other components needed for your website. 
  • You are free to arrange your files in directories in anyway you choose.

Push Changes After Committing:

Use the following command to add the page files to the staging area:

Include a detailed note before committing the changes:

Lastly, upload the modifications to GitHub's "main" branch:

Setting Up The Repository:

  • Pick the "Settings" button from the GitHub repository webpage. To access it, read through to the "GitHub Pages" category. 
  • From the "Source" option, select the section that has the information of a page (for instance, "main"), then click "Save" to confirm 
  • GitHub will generate and submit the page you create after that.

Visit Your Page:

Personalized Domain:

  • You may set up a custom domain in the repository settings if you wish to utilize it for your GitHub Pages.
  • To create a custom domain, adhere to the GitHub guidelines.

Create a static webpage with a contact form on Github pages - DEV Community

How Do I Make Use Of Git Hub Pages?

  • A "social coding" platform is GitHub.
  • It enables you to add code repositories for Git version control system storage.
  • The platform is open-sourced by default, allowing anybody in the world to access your GitHub code, use it, gain insight into it, and make changes to it. 
  • You may then collaborate on code projects. 
  • This article offers a simple tutorial for utilizing GitHub's gh-pages capability to publish content.

Creating content:

  • Git/GitHub is a widely popular version control system that most IT businesses today utilize in their workflow, making it a very significant and practical community to join.
  • You can publish website code live on the Web using GitHub Pages, which is a really helpful function.


  • It's simple to create pages on GitHub, which enables you to publish static web content right away.
  • You may publish documentation, promote your projects, build a portfolio, and host any other static website by utilizing GitHub Pages. 
  • You can quickly update and manage your pages over time if you can version control your material using Git. 
  • For developers, designers, and anybody else wishing to share their work with the public, GitHub Pages is an outstanding tool.




Kolli Naga Sai Venkata Rohit

Shiva Kumar