Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

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Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Leveraging Transfer Learning: Boosting Image Classification with Pre-trained Models

Introduction: Image classification is the task of categorizing images into predefined classes based on their visual features. It involves training a model to recognize and assign class labels to images, enabling applications like object recognition and facial recognition, but training deep learning models from scratch can be time-consuming and computationally
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Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Understanding the WGAN: A Breakthrough in Generative Adversarial Networks

Introduction Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have revolutionized the field of deep learning by enabling the creation of realistic and high-quality synthetic data. While GANs have demonstrated impressive results, they suffer from certain limitations, such as unstable training and mode collapse. In 2017, a new variant called Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) was
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Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Emoji and Emoticon Management

Natural Language Processing has diverse applications. It encompasses sentiment analysis for understanding emotions in text, chatbots and virtual assistants that interact with users, text classification and categorization for organizing information, named entity recognition to extract specific entities, machine translation for language conversion, text summarization for condensing content, question answering systems
3 min read
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Sentiment Analysis Made Easy: Building, Deploying, and Tracking with Logistic Regression, Flask, and MLflow

In today's digital age, the explosion of text data on social media, product reviews, and online discussions has made sentiment analysis an essential tool for businesses and researchers alike. Sentiment analysis involves the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to determine the underlying sentiment expressed in a piece of
12 min read